Wednesday 3 April 2013

Wk4 - New Goals

As we're looking at tasks to be done I get a sense that we have yet to establish a final product that has any real substance or purpose; We've deconstructed the honda and looked at different 3D modelling techniques, but have not looked much beyond that. I've come to realise that I'm struggling with working on something that has yet to be fully outlined or established. We've spend a lot of time discussing how the task is to be done without thinking of the bigger picture, perhaps this is due to the nature of the project; a project that seems merely a segment of a much bigger project. We start discussions as to a more defined project purpose: we come up with the option of establishing an ongoing resource for motorbike enthusiasts who are looking into bike modifications. This presents a new direction in which our goal is to establish a comprehensive, unique and multi platformed resource which can be continually added to...even beyond our project, this can be established in the form of websites, interactive pdf's, dowloadible 3D models and links to other resources etc.

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