Sunday, 2 June 2013

Project Reflection

Considering how far the project has come and the skills I have learnt in CAM (SolidWorks)and the motorcycle field I think the project has been a success. and am proud of what we have achieved.

Obviously there are ways in which the project could been improved, but we would not have been aware of this without the knowledge that we have now. I think typical of a project of this nature we tried to 'bite off more than we could chew' and in the end ran out of time to develop a more in depth analysis of our approaches.

Some changes we might have made in hindsight:

-As a team we could have planned more by doing some more initial research into the field and consulting with people having greater industry knowledge.

-Perhaps by realising the the broader context of our project earlier on (creating an external resource) we would have started the grasshopper script for the featherbed frame earlier and been able to base more of our project on this concept of adapting and customising a frame.

-Though it was great learning experience to focus on a broad amount of content and various CAD and CAM techniques throughput the project, perhaps it would have been more beneficial to focus on a particular technique of CAM or be more selective of our outputs (parts we modeled). This may have resulted in a more in depth and comprehensive end result.

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