Sprocket Development
One of the most critical components to model is the rear sprocket, The position of the sprocket is vital in ensuring the relationship between the rear wheel and drive train. These measurements will be important in lining up the rear wheel and engine, as well as ensuring that the chain does not clash with any part of the featherbed frame.

Bike Sprocket Tutorial

The principle is based on counting the amount of cogs (in this case 45)and using it to divide 360 (8),therefore each cog piece is 8 degrees. A section is made using the internal radius and external radius (measured of actual sprocket) to define sizes of individual cog pieces. A circular pattern can then be applied (rotating the piece around the centre point by 360).

Once I had the basic shape I used extrusions, void extrusions and circular patterns to form the voids, bolts etc.which make up the rest of the sprocket component.

Inner Wheel
After the sprocket I began to model the hub which the sprocket is attached to...

...This involved a series of circles and extrusions to create the hub with a circular pattern created (to house the spokes).

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